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''Buat Cara Tak Ada Duit'' Perkahwinan Simple Ini Menjadi Bualan Di Media Sosial

>Exactly 4 years and 7 month ago, I got married to this dude here. It was quick and simple. Bukanlah sebab acah-acah minimalist ke apa, tapi sebab duit saya tak banyak dan saya tetap nak bayar sendiri (untuk reception belah saya) hehe.

#Hantaran buat sendiri. Baju, tempah baju kurung plain. Tudung, kebas adik tailor punya. Itulah baju nikah, itulah baju makan beradab, itulah baju ambil gambar dekat pelamin. One outfit for one whole day. Haha Kepam!

Pelamin, I went for engagement pelamin instead of wedding pelamin. Smaller and cheaper. Door gifts were little jars of honey because I love honey.

Kad kahwin, design sendiri guna picknik.com. Sound system, guna speakers sendiri. Canopies and catering je Ummi insisted nak sponsor because she wanted Johorean food all the way from Muar.

No pre-wed, no dewan, no bersanding, no tepung tawar, no cake, no candy bar, no photo-booth, no kompang, no photographers, no videographers.

Gather gambar yang kawan-kawan tagged dalam Facebook je. Serius gila, tak ada niat nak rock and roll atau melawan perkahwinan arus perdana. It was just not within my budget. But no problem, Alhamdulillah.<

Kredit - Waniardy

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